C++ getwindowtext not working
C++ getwindowtext not working

::EnumWindows(EnumWindowsCallback, dwMyAppProId) StrWinProId.Format(_T("Process ID: %d \n"), dwMyAppProId) GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwMyAppProId) Void CMFCApplication3Dlg::OnBnClickedButton2() OutputDebugString(_T("Window Title: ") + strTitle + _T("\n")) ::GetWindowText(hwnd, strTitle.GetBuffer(64), 64) GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &dwWinProId) If (!db.OpenEx(_T("DSN=Test"), CDatabase::noOdbcDialog))īOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsCallback(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) Void CMFCApplication3Dlg::OnBnClickedButton1() This issue is only present where KB5002226 is installed. Now, since your C++ code is already Windows-specific, that should not be a problem.Īnd, anyway, IMO the standard should be fixed to allow something like overwriting the terminating NUL with another NUL a valid well-defined operation.I have created a new C++ MFC application and am getting an issue whereby if I call GetWindowText on the child windows of my app after a database connection has been opened, the app will throw a Access Violation exception.

c++ getwindowtext not working

However, it seems to work just fine in Visual Studio (tested on both 20). However, note that overwriting the NUL terminator in STL strings with another NUL terminator seems to be "undefined behavior", at least according to this discussion on Stack"" This approach is more efficient than having a separate std::vector for buffer allocation, with a separate dynamic memory allocation, and then a deep-copy into the std::wstring. However, you have to pass the whole destination buffer length (*including* the terminating NUL) to GetWindowText() as third parameter. Note that the length value returned by GetWindowTextLength() excludes the terminating NUL.

c++ getwindowtext not working

Str.resize(len) // make enough room in string

c++ getwindowtext not working

Something like this: int len = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd) Then how are you supposed to get any window text ?Īn option would be to make enough room inside the string for storing text in it.

C++ getwindowtext not working